LVTC Food Preservation Training

The value addition of fruits and vegetables helps in improving the diet quality by supplying essential nutrient (vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, antioxidants) needed for healthy life style. India is processing only 2-3 per cent of fruits and vegetables for value addition of seasonal food items in the form of jam, pickles, beverages, marmalades, squashes etc. on a commercial scale. Therefore, a vocational training has been needed to be conduct for the self help group members of men & women (18-45 yr) for a period of 10days more or less at suitable sites.

The skills regarding the food preservation of the modern techniques and methods used should be imparted to younger generation from time to time through lectures, demonstration and hand on training for different food products namely mixed fruit jam, pickle, chutney, marmalades, nuggets, papad and squash etc. After completion of the training course, the outcome should be evaluated through a questionnaire using appropriate statistical tools like frequency and percentage. Vocational training programme on Food preservation is very needed.

Leirik Vocational Skill And Entrepreneurship Training Centre